ADHD Answers from an ADHD Teen Bring Help to Parents, Sons
Released on = September 2, 2006, 7:09 pm
Press Release Author = That\'s My Son!
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = ADHD preteen answers questions from ADHD parents, ADHD boys.
Jack Dixon focuses his attention on helping others with attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder.
Press Release Body = Sept. 4, 2006--Parents of boys with Attention Deficit Disorder
(ADHD) have a new place to find answers to questions, problem-solving suggestions,
and general help and support, both for their sons and for themselves. But the help
comes from a source some will find surprising. \"Talk Back with Jack\" offers a forum
for 11-year-old Jack Dixon to offer help and advice to ADHD boys and their parents
as part of That\'s My Son! (, a web site devoted
to parents of ADHD boys.
That\'s My Son! is run by Jack\'s mother, Angie Dixon, as a place for other parents of
ADHD boys to find information and support. The site has recently undergone an
overhaul, including the addition of an \"interview room\" for ADHD boys and their
\"I think it was the interviews that gave Jack the idea,\" Angie Dixon says. \"He
really wanted to get involved with the site, and he thinks it\'s very cool that there
is a web site devoted to ADHD boys, because there are not very many places like it
on the web.\"
Jack Dixon, now a sixth-grader and very eager to share his experiences and advice
about living with ADHD, explains that \"I just wanted to give people a chance to talk
to a real ADHD boy and ask me questions. I think it will be great.\"
Jack\'s mom is equally enthusiastic. \"I was looking for ways to make the site more
interesting and helpful to the parents who come there looking for information and
support. Jack and I think this will be great not only for parents looking for
advice, but also for boys who might have a question they\'d like Jack to address on
his page - maybe things about school and friends. Some kids don\'t really have anyone
to ask these things, and Jack can offer some advice from a perspective of a boy
who\'s been through all the ADHD-related experiences.\"
If \"Talk Back with Jack\" is successful, Dixon foresees other interactive features on
That\'s My Son!
\"We have moved our blog and updated it, and we have the interviews. We\'re looking
into a mailing list, and a community page where parents and boys can send their
photos and stories and we can share each other\'s experiences more.\"
Meanwhile, \"Talk Back with Jack\" is just getting off the ground. To send a question
to Jack (via his mom), visit That\'s My Son! at
Web Site =
Contact Details = Angie Dixon||11805 Birchwood Dr.||Little Rock ,
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